Survey Women and Knickers

Posted by boyadoe on Friday, January 7, 2011

At one time there were two people named seller panties Paijo Paimen and they are fuss about merchandise ... 
Paimen: "Do you believe in baseball if 99% of women not wearing panties?"

Paijo: "Ahhhhh ... not possible."

Paimen: "Want proof?"

Paimen Then prove it by asking every woman who passes in front of him.

Paimen: "hey, do not wear panties?"

Woman 1: "Ahhh ... it was yesterday!"

Paimen: "hey, do not wear panties?"

Woman 2: "Ahhh ... ahh no!"

Paimen: "Hey, lady, do not wear panties?"

Woman 3: "no brother ... another time!"

Then prove to Paijo Paimen words, that 99% of women not wearing panties

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